Monday, December 19, 2005

Back In Town

*J is behind the counter today. If you're in a Christmas Ice-Cream type mood, we made some great homemade Peppermint Ice-Cream this morning before we opened. It's pretty good and the kids in town really like it.*

...and, one scoop of Peppermint Ice-Cream for you. Everything tastes better when it's homemade, don't you think?

You know, I've been asked that question a lot today. It seems everyone who stops in today wants to know where ''ve been! The second-most-popular question today is "why are you open today?"

Well, that last one's the easiest one to answer. I'm open because this is a great time of year to be open! All the kids are out of school, the college students are home for the next couple of weeks...The Soda Fountain's a great place for old friends to meet and talk. And I love this season! I love seeing everyone who stops in and says "hi". I love hearing the stories that are told, reflecting on the year that has passed, and I just love being here. It's warm, it's comfortable, it's familiar, it's safe. I don't have nearly as many bar brawls as the Corner Tavern across the street!

But the first question, the one everyone is dying to know, isn't as brief. I swear, it's like I'm Willy Wonka and I just started up my factory again.

Man, how cool would it be to have a glass elevator that could go anywhere?

Truthfully, I've just been busy with other pursuits. You know, I inherited this soda fountain from my grandfather. In fact, our family has owned the building that the Soda Fountain and all these other shops sit in for the better part of a century. The income I get from renting out the space ensures that I don't have to work this place full time. Plus, the fact that the Soda Fountain isn't always open has been part of the mystique of the place. My grandfather started the tradition of closing for months at a time when he got older and started traveling the world. I think they were his two loves, this soda fountain and travel.

Everyone knew when he was back in town from some far-off land. The butcher's paper he'd use to keep prying eyes away would come off of the windows, he'd fire up all the lights and spend 12 hours with us boys washing and mopping and making sure the place was spotless. We'd spend some time making a couple of fresh batches of ice creams and sodas, and open the next day. By the end of our clean-up day, kids and adults alike would peer through the front windows at us working away. They'd knock and smile and shout something about seeing us tomorrow when we were open.

The difference between my grandfather and I is that his absences were exciting. Some of the stories he told about his trip to India were awesome. And, I'm sure, quite embellished. But me? Well...

I've been in the studio. The most exciting part about it is the fact that it's been Capitol Record's studio in Los Angeles. But that's about it. Truthfully, I'm happy to be taking a little break from recording for the next week. Oh, I have my homework to do. After I close the shop each day, I have to go through and listen to each of the 10 songs and make notes about how I want to produce it, mix it. All that jazz. But it's also great to be here, be back in the old home town. It's really great to see you.

When am I closing again? January third, give or take. I know, I know. It's an awfully brief time. But the GOOD NEWS is that I've got some great treats this week! I have recording time already booked back in Los Angeles at the start of the new year.

But let's just enjoy the time we have together over the holidays, huh?

Want a cup of coffee to wash down the ice-cream? It's on the house...


ChickyBabe said...

The Soda Fountain is open! I'd love an ice cream, I've just come back from the beach and it's so hot! Do you have wild berries? Peppermint doesn't agree with me.

OK, I'll wait... Capitol Records? Kewl!

Jeff said...

Chickybabe! So good of you to stop in! Sorry...I didn't have any fresh fruit ice cream today, but I think we have some in the freezer for tomorrow. Stop in...a bowl of it will be on the house (if it suits you...)

ChickyBabe said...

I'm always dropping in, J, even when the Soda Fountain is closed. When the ice cream is ready, I'll come in for a little visit, show off my suntan, and listen to the adventures of RWO, how does that sound?

ChickyBabe said...

Have a Merry Christmas, J, and may the New Year be a happy one!

ChickyBabe said...

Knock Knock!