Thursday, May 26, 2005

To Allison, who joined me for coffee last night

I was behind the register ringing up yet another latte as she walked through the door. I looked up from counting change and made eye contact as a flicker of recognition flashed through my mind. I furrowed my brow as my tired mind tried to connect the dots, but it was of no use. Whatever memory flashed through my mind was gone, and I had a customer standing in front of me waiting for his change. I redirected my gaze his way and thanked him.

I had seen the brief flash of recognition on her face too. What was it about her? How did I know her?

As she walked toward the register I was pulled aside to help another barista make drinks. I volunteered to take her drink out to her, sitting at her table reading a book, when it was finished. As I walked up to her I smelled her perfume and the recognition was almost electric.

"Allison?" I asked as I handed her the drink she had ordered. She looked at me for a moment before I saw the pieces snap in place in her mind.

"J!" she cried out, a broad smile jumping from her lips. "I can't believe it's you! This is incredible!" She jumped up from her chair and threw her arms around me, giving me an enthusiastic hug."

"I know!" I replied. "0f all the coffee houses in the greater Los Angeles area you stopped at mine! What are you doing here?"

"We're here on vacation. I'm just waiting for my husband to park the car." She waited a moment, then added "It's so good to see you. You really look great."

"You do too." And she did. It had been close to 10 years since I had seen her and I had forgotten how comforting her hugs were. "I smell like coffee..." I said as I gently pulled away. I took a good long look at her, soaking her in so I could remember her well until the next time we met.

Somehow, I knew it was only a dream. But it didn't really matter...there are a few people who have played a larger role in my life than they could possibly fathom. Allison was one of them. I was smiling softly as I woke up, happy that I had gotten to see her. Someday, I hope I have the opportunity to tell her how much she taught me during our friendship.


dan said...

Dreams like that tear me apart. I hate missing people.

Anonymous said...

Okay- Tell us more about Allison.

Now that I am over my selfishness- sometimes it is nice to see someone we never see even if only in a dream. I hope I have pleasant dreams of a few people tonight now. (Speaking of which, I need to get to bed.)

ChickyBabe said...

Must be dream time in Blog Land :). I'm looking forward to more zzzz....

But really, "I smell like coffee?" That is hilarious!

dan said...

J, further to earlier post, you do right not to use the whammy bar. It's over used and mostly in bad taste...but I can't help it. Though lately I've been more restrained and remove it for my new mellowed out blues style.

I hate Gary Moore just because he can hold bends and get them to sustain a lot better than I'll ever be able to. I suspect he uses a lot of compression and some very expensive pick-ups. But he's damn good.

Sorry, I'm rambling.

Have a good weekend.

glo said...

That's a really sweet post.

Dreams are funny places. I have a friend I dream about every time I need relationship advice. I'll never see him again (we live in different countries and don't keep in touch), but something about our relationship made him the person who speaks to me when I'm trying to figure out another person.

That ability to link with a person forever is my favorite thing about being a person - it's amazing that we can be so important to one another.

So beautiful...thanks.

Michelle Thomas said...

Wow, that is a very vivid dream. Hopefully one day, you will be able to tell her how much she meant to you. My person is Johnny Barton. I would love to see him again.