Thursday, September 08, 2005

Notes From Hawaii - Part the Third

All beaches are not created equal. My Wife and I went to the beach on Tuesday and floated for about an hour in the warm clear water. The sand was beautiful and soft, and the water was as clear as can be. It was absolutely amazing. A storm was coming across the mountains while we were floating there…it was blue above us, blue around us, and misty and gray over the mountains. Phenomenal. It absolutely took my breath away.

All X Files episodes are not created equal. I stayed up way too late on Tuesday night watching the X files episodes I’d never seen before…shortly after midnight I realized I should probably get some sleep. Even if it did mean the cockroaches and black oil on the X Files might attach me.

Tired J is a real treat for The Wife. Oops.

All euphemisms for sexual congress are not created equal. Yesterday we “tubed the ditch”. This actually wasn’t a euphemism in my vocabulary until the day trip we took yesterday.

The sugar plantations used a ditch system built by cheap Chinese labor in the late 1800s to irrigate the sugar plants. It was dug by hand, including tunneling through several mountains. No explosives were used…they used pick axes and shovels. They would put one team of laborers on one side of the mountain, another team on the other side, and tell them to dig towards each other. Often they wouldn’t meet exactly in the middle, so you’d have a couple of 90 degree turns in the pitch black tunnels.

We jumped in the cool water up the mountain, grabbed a couple of innertubes, and floated down for about an hour. It wasn’t as exciting as kayaking, jumping off cliffs, or sliding down waterfalls, but it was relaxing and fun. I got to be the punk of the group and splash everyone. Hey, if you can’t make friends then make enemies. That’s my motto, anyway.

Today, we’re at sea. The Wife is sleeping in the cabin, feeling a little bit sea sick. I thought I’d take the time to come up to the coffee bar and write y’all. I miss you, my loyal readers. I cry out your name in the middle of the night, waking myself up disoriented and not knowing where I am.

Come back to me. We’ll make love by the fireplace like we used to.


Anonymous said...

I love tubes in the ditch, but of course I have my old faithful tube that it just right! :) Which island are you on? I loved Maui!!

ChickyBabe said...

Your writing has really taken a fun twist on this holiday!

And more photos please! :)

Jeff said...

mzundatsud - I have no idea how to respond! I'm at a loss! Never has a euphemism had such wild responses. I want all you children to use this euphemism frequently in the future. It's my little gift to the world.

Um...The Meat of my Sandwich? That sounds WAY too dirty It's just not right. We've got to come up with something better than that.

Ambur lynn - Another dirty mind, I see. I love it. Glad to see you around the Soda Fountain. We're at sea right now. I'll write about today's adventures later.

ChickyBabe - Thanks for the compliment on my writing. This holiday has really been a boost for my creativity.

More pictures coming.