Monday, October 17, 2005


*the door to the pharmacy jingles and I head straight for the counter of the Soda Fountain*

Man! What a downpour out there! I’ll never understand why Californians are so afraid of the rain...I just love days like today.

I’m glad you’re here. I just spoke with my friend, the music producer. Man, am I naive.

Did you know that everyone uses pitch correction on vocals? Everyone. I’m a purist…this was a little shocking. Obviously, the flash-in-the-pan flavor-of-the-month artists use it. But I’d like to think that some of the bigger artists, who I respect, don’t use it. I was wrong. My friend gave me several examples of people who ooze talent and creativity and use pitch correction. People you’ve heard of, people who have been around and sold millions of albums.

It’ll be great to get his input on the project. Like anyone who takes great pride in his creativity, I’d much rather hear “this has so much potential” instead of “ummmm…all I can think to say is ‘no’.” Still, fresh perspective is always appreciated. And it’s a huge favor that he’s doing. Even if nothing comes of it in the sense that he connects me to everyone in the business and I get rich and famous, his feedback will allow me to further hone these songs.

I’m still as ambiguous about “fame and fortune” as ever, by the way. On the one hand, I’d love to be able to make some money off my talents. I’d love to be on stage, too. But the idea of touring endlessly for 10 years just to build a name and giving up all of the things that make my life so wonderful…well, that’s not very appealing.

Well, that’s about all I have time for today. Just wanted to stop by the Soda Fountain and say hi to the regulars. That, and they make the best Vanilla Cokes here.

Drink up!

1 comment:

ChickyBabe said...

So how's the band doing? When will I get my autographed copy??