Friday, March 03, 2006

The Trouble With Redheads

Thanks to a post by The Dog's Name for this post idea. He's an amazing writer, and I highly recommend reading some of his posts.

Before going further, I need to tell y'all that I'm married to a redhead, and a wonderful redhead at that. Although she's not perfect, she's the closest to perfect that a guy could find. And she's only getting better, she really is.

The trouble with redheads is that they're so damn beautiful.

Part of it is the novelty factor, the fact that true redheads are few and far between. Shoot, other women think redheads are beautiful. Why else would so many women claim that they are "redheads" when clearly they are brunettes, or dirty blondes (referring to hair color of course, not sexual proclivities).

But there is a much cooler component to redheads that make them beautiful and sexy. Redheads , for the most part, have been made fun of most of their lives growing up. I've found that the "personality" factor in redheads is directly proportional to their fiery personalities and the fact that they had to be strong growing up. Simply put, redheads are not only beautiful, but very very cool. That's a dead sexy combination.

Red hair...porcelain skin...mischeivious smile...freckles...fiery personality...yes sir, the trouble with redheads is that they're so much trouble.


Anonymous said...

Then why am I single?

Jeff said...

Anonymous - Maybe you're just too much trouble! That, or your hair isn't red enough. Or maybe you're a man trapped in a woman's body. Without knowing you, there's really any number of possibilities as to why you're still single.

But thanks for stopping by!

JillWrites said...

i don't have red hair... but i add highlights!

ChickyBabe said...

There's no such thing as a dirty blonde! We all highlight the "dirty" out of it. And I can be just as fiery as a redhead! I'm a taurean so watch out...

Jeff said...

Jill - Highlights count as trouble. Judging by your picture, blog, and posts on CB's blog, you're quite a handful.

ChickyBabe - Nay, I say unto thee, I have met quite a few dirty blondes in my time. And, for that matter, quite a few DIRTY blondes. Sometimes one and the same, sometime not.

If you're one or the other, I say "be true to yourself."

Jeff said...

Oh, and this is an exciting day for me! ChickyBabe brought a friend in! Welcome, Jill. Your blog is awesome and inspiring.

Now, if only we can get Anonymous to take off that mask...

ChickyBabe said...

I am always true to myself, J, and I am neither dirty nor DIRTY. And quite a bit of trouble when I want to be!

Jeff said...

Fiery like a redhead, aren't you ChickyBabe? :)

Anonymous said...

You know why I can't log in while here. Although, even if I could...I think I've forgotten my password again. I haven't posted in quite a long time.

I think I drove by your shop on Saturday morning. It made me giggle and I don't giggle much.