Tuesday, April 04, 2006

As Defined by Pet Shop Boys

This is probably going to come as a shock to those of you who only know that I'm recording a rock-oriented CD, but one of my favorite bands is Pet Shop Boys. Most people think of them as only Euro-Pop, which is certainly true. But they also write amazingly complex songs, both musically and lyrically. And they're weird and artistic in a way that shows everyone they don't take themselves too seriously. You get major points with me for being weird and silly and artistic.

I self-tagged myself on ChickyBabe's blog to answer these questions with song titles from my favorite band. So, here we go...

Favorite band: Pet Shop Boys

Are you male or female? Boy Strange

Describe yourself: Sexy Northerner

How do some people feel about you: Electricity; flamboyant; How Can You Expect To Be Taken Seriously?; So Hard

How do you feel about yourself: Being Boring

Describe your ex boyfriend / girlfriend: I Don't Know What You Want But I Can't Give It Anymore

Describe your current significant other: It Always Comes As A Surprise; Positive Role Model

Describe where you want to be: Closer to Heaven

Describe how you live: I Get Along

Describe how you love: I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind of Thing

What would you ask for if you had just one wish: I Want A Dog

Share a few words of wisdom: We All Feel Better In The Dark; Se a Vida E; It's Alright; Happiness Is An Option

Now say goodbye: Always On My Mind, J


ChickyBabe said...

Well done on the meme!

I like the Pet Shop Boys, "West End Girls", incidentally not my favourite, always takes me to a happy place!

Jeff said...

ChickyBabe - It's funny, but when I mention PSB that's all that anyone thinks of is their early 80s stuff. I can't stand 80s music, frankly. I didn't get into them until their 1994 release "Very". I've liked just about every release since then.

Anyway, if you haven't checked any of their stuff out from the 90s, go directly to iTunes and download some PSB.

Jeff said...

Niel - Ah, you GOTTA check out their more recent stuff. They released a new compilation of all their stuff a couple of years ago entitled "Pop Art". Great double-disc, every song worth the purchase price.

ChickyBabe said...

I've listened to their album Release, and that's got some great tracks on there; very different from their style in the 80s.